To remove duplicate contacts you'll need to run the analysis on your app.
- Tap on Analyze or Re-Analyze and the app will display results.
- From the results, you can see the counts of
i) Total Contacts.
ii) Contacts After you Clean.
iii) Full & Partial Duplicates.
iv) Duplicate Phones Only.
v) Duplicate Email only.
vi) Similar Names.
i) Full & Partial Duplicates: If you click on Full & Partial Duplicates on this screen, you will be able to see Duplicate contacts basis upon the Analysis level you have set within the App settings.
- On the same screen, if you tap on Filter, you can also use a particular, or we can say a precise filter, which will allow you to show selected filters related to duplicate contacts only.
(For example: Here we have selected a filter Partial Duplicates on Phone, so now among all the duplicates we have found we will be able to see only Partial Duplicates on Phone filter related contacts. We cannot select multiple filters.)
- Tap on 'Merge' at the right-hand side top corner in order to complete the process and the outcome will be your address book with no duplicate contacts.
ii) Duplicate Phones Only: If you tap on Duplicate Phones Only, you will be able to see duplicate contacts based upon the Phone number only.
Now you need to tap on each and every contact manually so that you can Merge multiple contacts in 1 contact as per your preference.
iii) Duplicate Email only: If you tap on Duplicate Email only, you will be able to see duplicate contacts basis upon the Email addresses only.
Here also, you need to tap on each and every contact manually so that you can Merge multiple contacts in 1 contact as per your preference.
iv) Similar Names: If you tap on Similar Names, you will be able to see duplicate contacts basis upon the similar First and last name only.
Once again, here also you need to tap on each and every contact manually so that you can Merge multiple contacts in 1 contact as per your preference.
Important Note: Before you analyze, make sure within Cleanup Dupes app settings (gear icon at the right-hand side top corner) Backup Before Cleaning option is set to ON or create a manual backup of your original contacts.
Analysis Level:
There are five different options to merge duplicate contacts. Before you hit 'Analyze' from the app home screen to remove duplicates, select the criteria that best suits your requirement. To find this, tap on Settings (gear icon at the right-hand side top corner), then tap on 'Analysis Level' and you'll find the options to search for duplicate contacts.
i) Remove 100% of Duplicates: If contacts match 100% on all fields, remove the duplicates.
ii) Merge Name + Email Matches: Merge into One contact if contacts have a matching name and a common email.
iii) Merge Name + Phone Matches: Merge into One contact if contacts have a matching name and a common Phone.
iv) Merge when no Name: Allow Merge based on Email or Phone if both first and last name is missing.
v) Merge when Partial Name: Allow Merge based on Email or Phone if either first and last name is missing.
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