If you have updates to review, the "Updates" circle on the dashboard will display the number of updates you have.
Tapping on the "Updates" circle will display a list of the updates.
Each card will tell you how many updates you have to review for a specific contact. Tap on that card to view the updates.
The suggested updates are highlighted. Buttons at the bottom of the screen allow you to reject or accept the suggested updates. You can also press "Not Sure" if you're unsure about the accuracy of the update.
Pressing "Advanced" in the upper right corner brings you to a screen where you can select which updates to accept for that contact. For example, if the app is suggesting a new job title and phone number and you only want to accept the phone number, you can deselect the job title by pressing the green checkmark next to it. Once you are done, press "Save Update" at the bottom of the screen.
Additional options are available when reviewing updates for a contact. Press and hold on the card to display other options such as "Delete" to delete the contact and "Accept + Edit", which accepts the updates and opens the contact in edit mode.
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